Wednesday, June 26, 2013

30 day inspection

We had our 30 day this morning!  Hard to believe it's already been almost a month since we closed!  Overall, everything went great, nothing major.  Everything we asked for is getting fixed... including... the banister!!  Our PM already ordered the new railings and suggested we go with black cherry as the stain, he just put it in our neighbor's house and said it came out really nice and would go with our floors well.  He said our stain was pretty ugly and agrees with me that they need to get rid of it, it doesn't take well to the wood and just looks like crap.  It will be a few weeks before the new railings come in but hey, I'm just happy they are getting replaced!  We only have a few minor things that need fixed, most is cosmetic, and I'm really happy with how our PM has handled everything.

I feel like I didn't have enough blue tape or things on my list... but I guess that's a good thing, right?  He also said if we find anything else to give him a call and he will take care of it, so we don't have to call the customer service line.  I was happy to hear that even after the 30 days he is still our main point of contact.  I think it's an advantage of building while there are still so many houses/lots left to build and sell, because he knows that we will see him for the next several years (if he is still PM in our community).

Overall, I am very happy with our experience with Ryan Homes, I know we had some bumps along the way, some bigger than others, but I would do it again for sure.  Of course, I would do things a little differently, but hey, coulda shoulda woulda!  Even if I could do it over again 100 times, I would still find things wrong, or things I wish I would have done.  I think we made a great start for us and our future family here and I'm so happy to call my Venice home!


  1. Congrats! I'm glad to hear that things went so well and that you're still happy with the process now that everything is done and the dust has settled, so to speak. Best of luck in your new home!

    1. Thanks! Yes, the dust has settled... quite literally I may add! I suggest a better air filter... lol

  2. Congrats!!!
    Do you know what the Black Cherry stain looks like? We just asked if we could have our stain the color of the Cherry Bordeaux cabinets, I wonder if that would be similar. Post pictures once they fix it!!

    1. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to ask our neighbors if I can take a peek at theirs! Our PM said it came out really nice on the oak, very dark with a slight hint of red, not too much though. Our floors have a warmth to them and he said it will be the best stain to compliment them. I don't think he wants to have to do them over lol but I am checking out the final product before I give him the OK on the new stain.

  3. That is so great, Rachael! We are both so very, very happy for you and your husband! This is our sentiment exactly! By the way, I can't believe it has been 30 days for you already. That's amazing!!!

    1. Thanks! I know, right? 30 days? Before we know it, it's going to be 10 months! I actually so excited to have Christmas in our new home, I can't wait to decorate and put up a tree!! Here I am, talking about Christmas and it's not even July!

  4. Awww!! Very happy for you....
    30 Days already! Time flies. Its great to know that they are fixing everything to your liking. And its great to know how much you are satisfied with your PM, that gives us a positive feeling! :-)

    Enjoy your Venice Girl!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I went from thinking our PM hated me to feeling confident that he is on our side, he's really been proactive and understanding, especially about the baby poop stained railings! He said he talked with other PM's and they had the same issues with the midnight black (aka baby poop green) and they think it is the stain itself.

  5. Do they fix stuff like nicks that you made in the while while moving in? Or is it stuff that you found that would have been before your moved in but didn't catch in your walk through?

    1. They are fixing everything, I mean, we will have a 10 month dry wall to fix all the little nail pops and globs, but anything on the drywall that I wanted fixed now is getting fixed, including gauges for moving, our PM said anything that will drive you nuts before the 10 month drywall we will fix at the 30 day.

  6. Nice PM. I hope ours is that attentive. Enjoy your new home and can't wait to see pictures of you guys moved in. I feel that in the end getting everything you want in a home makes the bumps along the way seem small.

    1. I hope so too! I also think that sometimes, our expectations are unrealistic. Even if I were to have contract a custom builder and spent millions, when you have humans building anything, there is always room for human error. And, nothing can be absolutely 100% perfect, I've been in million dollar homes and see the same issues I do in my own home, they are not issues but I think it's just me expecting there to be not a single imperfection. Don't get me wrong, I fight to make things right but I think nit picking on the silly little things distracts you from enjoying your beautiful home. Good luck and I look forward to see your progress along this journey!

  7. Oh my gosh time flies! I can't believe you had your 30 day already! I am so happy for you that he is getting your banister taken care of...we could really tell how unhappy you were with that! Glad that you are happy with how things ended up! :)

  8. So glad to hear of your continued progress. I would really love to be able to see some pictures of your work!
