Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Just a quick update and a few pics from our sales agreement signing!  It was half exciting and half terrifying writing that check.  There is no turning back now!  I'm more nervous about our flooring meeting though with Rusmur this Saturday.  I have a feeling we are going to be sticker shocked when we see how much what we want is going to cost.  I already anticipate the hardwood flooring to be way out of our price range, but we may just bite the bullet and get it through them and do carpet in the family room and not upgrade the carpeting but only the padding to save cost to put towards the hardwoods.  I'm nervous about putting in hardwood after we close because of the issues that it will present with the height of the kitchen counters.  I hope I can get some good advice from some flooring professionals in the mean time.  We only have until January 12th to make any changes!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are adorable....good luck on this journey, since we live in the same area let me know if I can help in any way :)
