Thursday, May 2, 2013

Delayed :(

I spoke to our new PM last night, it is a different one than what my old PM told me, but oh well.  I told him how I was really concerned about the window... still... I went there to see the progress last night and they have the frame up for the new window but it's much smaller and I also saw my main water shut-off valve was leaking all over the floor... he was aware of that though and said it was going to be fixed.  I just broke down and cried on my way home because I'm just so frustrated with everything, with not having a closing date, with the window, with the fact my neighbor who started construction a month after me is further ahead and I'm just not happy with the whole egress window situation, I feel really uncomfortable about it, and the hole in my french drain.... he said not to worry and to let him do all the worrying but it's just hard, I said "put yourself in my shoes, wouldn't you be freaking out?" he admitted he would feel the same way, but it still doesn't make it better.  Not getting what we paid for and what was promised just makes me feel like shit right now, and I have no clue when we will be moving, so this Friday our new PM promised us our closing date, it's going to be later than May 24th, which was originally expected, it will be either the 1st or 2nd week in June.  So, I will have to go back to our landlord and extend our lease.

I would have pictures of everything but I was honestly just too upset to even bother, I just wanted to get out of there last night and forget about it.... maybe I'm blowing things out of proportion but it's how I feel, and I really need RH to make things right.


  1. Oh no, Rachael! I am so sorry to hear about this. This really stinks! I hope that your new PM is on everything and that, hopefully, your closing date will be sooner than that. Yuck! Hopefully, the home will be all that you dream when it is finished and all of the frustrations will be worth it in the end. We are sending good thoughts your way!

  2. I'm so sorry Rachael. I can get why this is so upsetting to you. :(

  3. I know exactly how you feel our builder has made us kinda mad a few times and we havent even started yet but hang in there I broke down and cried the other day when we looked at our lot it looks so bad right now. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  4. That is aweful. Maybe the chage in PM will be a good thing for you. Have you tried talking the SR? Maybe they can do something.

    1. We are going to send an email to everyone about how we are feeling, I really love our SR I guess I feel weird about complaining about things to her because it's not her fault, I just really hate confrontation... :/

  5. I am sorry that you are having to go thru all of this. Hopefully the new PM will get things going right. Just remember that its really stressful but in the end you are going to have an amazing home!

  6. Aww Rachael I am so sorry to hear about the delay and that you are going through this. I understand what you mean about not wanting to complain to our SR, but you are just expressing your frustration and there is nothing wrong with that. And knowing our SR she would want to know. I get the feeling she wants to be sure we are happy. Hang in there!


    1. I know she wants us to be happy with everything, and she has done a wonderful job, I know that our PM resigning is out of her control too, I just have this weird feeling like our house is the evil red-headed step child that no one loves for some reason, it's all alone over there being neglected and mistreated :( You should just go take a walk around our house and you will see what I mean

    2. Maybe then this new PM assignment is just what you need and will be a good thing. I am putting positive thoughts out there for you. I will have to talk a walk around there when I have my pre-settlement next week or I may stop by after work tomorrow when I take a peak at what is going on at my house.


  7. Like everyone I agree this is a bad situation to be in, and I hope that your new PM will be a better match for this project. Perhaps the old one was not doing all that could have been done? As for the delay in moving in, I would rather it takes two to three extra weeks to fix things up proper than move in early.. what's a month or two compared to the next 30 years. Our date got pushed from May to September in a span of one month.. I wish you the best of luck, hang in there, you are nearly done.

  8. I am so sorry to hear this ! I feel your pain about everything being up in the air. Hopefully the new PM will be able to get everything done asap. Sending good wishes your way...

  9. So frustrating! Hang in there, and I would not close until those things are fixed to your satisfaction. They will want you to close and tell you they can make it right after but that won't fly with me. Stay on them and they will take care of it!
